I don’t know how to handle my wife anymore. I’m getting more tired every day. My wife is a good woman but she’s so jealous that it makes me sick. She suspects every move I take that I’m so sick of the distrust. I have never cheated on her and never will. But I can’t get her to trust that I can never hurt her but it breaks me to keep realising daily that she thinks that low about my love. Because of her, I have let go of most of my friends, especially ladies.
My main challenge is getting her to see that it hurts me to know she thinks I could hurt her like that.

The other challenge I’m facing is helping my extended family. I get this awful/unhappy vibes from her whenever I do that really breaks me. It’s not that my family had been very nice to her as well. But I still am responsible for caring for them, especially my parent. I’ve tried mediating between them but gave up when the relationship kept souring, instead, I have put a distance in-between them to reduce friction. Now I care for my parent and once in a while help my siblings on my own. I also ensure that whenever I do, it doesn’t affect my duty to my wife and children. However, should my wife catch a whiff of that she gives me attitude.
Please else what can I do to make her happy?


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