Good morning sir. I would like to seek your advice about this matter. Before long (early 2022), my current fiance proposed marriage and went to meet my pastor. My pastor got to find out that he’s yet to be a committed worker in his own local church, however during that time of praying and waiting on God for His will,  I got the confirmation to give him an answer to his proposal last year in August.

So, we are about to start our marriage class at my own church and one of the issues that were brought up by the senior marriage counselor was this matter of service in God’s house. It’s been 6 months and he has been saying he is considering starting the worker’s training program at his own church to enable him to join the workforce (During his university days almost 7 years ago, he was active at his campus fellowship and the church he attended) However, he doesn’t want to take God’s work lightly now since he’s usually busy at his office and returns back from work very late at night because of the distance he moves from work during the week.

We had this conversation again yesterday and I felt a little bit irritable… although I was still encouraging him about making inquiries and starting about the program over there. I don’t want him to do it because we are all suggesting/encouraging that he should. I’m a committed worker in my church and I really believe in service to God…

I know he does also but it’s been the same excuse/reasons. Right now, the process and procedure of getting married are on and I’m sure that he has a heart for God and he loves God (Among the reasons why I even give him an answer, God’s word came to me personally also).

I really love him but my heart is a bit heavy and I don’t know how to go about this without being the one who is initiating this idea to him all over and over again that’s why I chose to write to you after this morning devotional prayer…. thank you, sir.


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